
Details according to § 5 DDG

BS Systems GmbH & Co. KG
A joint venture
of Bosch and Sortimo
HRA 17574 – Augsburg district court

Personally liable partner:
BS Systems Verwaltungs GmbH
HRB 26928 – Augsburg district court
Tax no.: 9102/153/50407
Am Innovationspark 2
86441 Zusmarshausen


Phone: +49 8291 850-2300
Fax: +49 8291 850-247
Managing director
Fatih Yilmaz


Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:

Responsible within the meaning of § 18 para. 2 MStV.

Alexander Schweyer
BS Systems GmbH & Co. KG
Head of Marketing
Am Innovationspark 2
86441 Zusmarshausen, DE

Consumer dispute resolution/Universal arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Web design and programming
Gubener Str. 8
86156 Augsburg Germany

General conditions of use

1. Disclaimer

Although these pages have been created with the utmost care, no guarantees can be given for the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the provided information. He operator of the website endeavors to ensure errors or omissions are corrected when they become aware of such – we would be grateful for any indications in this regard. In addition no liability is accepted for the availability or operability of the present Website or its contents. All liability is hereby excluded for direct, indirect or other damages, independent of their cause, arising from the use of or non-availability of data or information on this website, or the information provided hereon, unless legally stipulated to the contrary.

2. Copyright

The content of this website is protected by copyright. The information is only intended for personal usage. Every further use, in particular the storage in data bases, duplication and every form of commercial use as well as the passing onto third parties, also in parts or in revised form, in particular of photos, illustrations or texts is prohibited without the agreement of the operators of the website.

3. Liability for Links

This website may contain links to external websites, however the operator of this website has no influence on these landing pages. Therefore no liability is accepted for this third party content, indeed the respective provider of the pages bears such responsibility.